Messages of Hope, Love and Encouragement
Add your message and let the world know who you are Challenging yourself for

Doing this for our daughter Matilda who was born at 30wks. Strongest little human I know. Has no fear, does everything her way, full of energy & confidence to take on the world. Thanks to everyone for donating & especially the special care doctors & nurses who care & love these wonderful little fighters.

While in the midst of NICU life it felt like it would never end, and every day I had to leave him at the hospital my heart broke a bit more, but now he is home and nearly 3, and as hard as his time in NICU was, it got him home to us, so I will always be thankful for it. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but for those who have to endure it, I hope your time goes quickly, and you get the happiest of 'going home' days.

I'm doing the challenge to try raise some money for a great cause. As both our boys were premature, Jax being born at 30 weeks and Taj being born at 35 weeks.
And spent weeks in the nicu, all the staff doing an amazing job. We were and are so grateful for everyone in there.

This cause is close to my heart. My brother born 7 weeks prem in 1992, my brother in law who did not survive after a few days due to prem, my twin nieces born early and to my beautiful nephew born 13 weeks early. He is now 10 months and only 9 pounds. I am walking because I know there are so many more going through this. I hope the money raised helps many xxx

May not be able to see, touch or hold you, but you made a big impact on all without saying a word, you taught me what love was all over again, for that I thank you my baby girl. Rest in peace.
This never goodbye, this is see you soon.
Written by anonymous.

My son Percy needed to spend some time in the NICU as he just needed so time to put on weight and grow. Although our stay was short spanning over a few weeks, I really felt the impact for the babies and the families involved. Our little man is now happy, healthy and growing up brilliantly!

"There is a special little premmie parents team, although it is a scary place to be and the unknown can be overwhelming, you are not alone. Just ba your babies biggest support and advocate."

"The hardest days of your life. But with support and strength given by each amazingly gifted staff member, from the volunteers to the countless amazing nurses and trained doctors, you will come through this with a full heart knowing your baby was cared for with love and support through one of their toughest journeys."

"Know that there is always hope. Our children show us resilience and strength that we can learn from. Time for us to be strong and support the premmies and their families."

"Don't compare your baby to others, they have been through so much and are little fighters."

"I’m the laziest person on earth, but I’m doing this for my little guy. He’s here because we had a great team and the equipment he needed."

"There is nothing better then seeing the strength of a Premmy Baby battle through and love a whole and amazing life."

"For our beautiful daughter Henley Maree, born at 31+6 & for all past, present & future little babes & their families.
Take each day at a time, be kind to yourselves & these little fighters are braver & tougher than you think, and so are YOU! xx"

Everyday spent in the NICU and SCU was so hard, when you're able to go home but your baby isn't.
Thank you to the staff in the NICU and SCU for everything you did for our little man Xavier.

Little Miss Haisley thought it was time for her to enter the world early breaking my waters at 27 weeks and 1 day, after 2 days doctors said it was time to get her out! Born 3 months early weighing just over 1kg she gave us a fright but she has done amazing since that second she was born. I could not be more thankful to the amazing nicu stuff for monitoring and keeping us updated every step of the way!!

Little Miss Haisley thought it was time for her to enter the world early breaking my waters at 27 weeks and 1 day, after 2 days doctors said it was time to get her out! Born 3 months early weighing just over 1kg she gave us a fright but she has done amazing since that second she was born. I could not be more thankful to the amazing nicu stuff for monitoring and keeping us updated every step of the way!!

Premmie babies sure are fighters! So we must fight for them. Doing the 100km marathon for son born at 32 wks, weighing 1.4kg. Being in NICU/SCN for over a month showed me another world and has inspired me to help out future premmie babies.

My first baby stopped growing in utero and Dubbo Hospital saved his life. He was born 1.6kgs, 3.3pound at 34 weeks and we spent 3 long weeks in the Special Care Nursery before we could finally go home. I am walking for my darling boy who is now a fit and thriving 6 year old.

I'll be walking the 100km this November in the Premmie Marathon Challenge because of my son Jake and my friend's son Jia. Remember that every little bit counts and if we can do what we can to make sure that other families get the opportunity to access the same life-saving services, resources and care then hopefully they can bring their little miracles home.

Thinking of the premmie babies and their families. You’re not alone, we’ve been there, and we understand. It’s a tough road, but our premmie babies are tough by nature.

Thank you so much for the care and love from the fantastic nurses in NICU in Randwick Sydney! Our boy is big and strong and absolutely thriving now!

I’m so grateful for all the help I received.

Our little Evanlyn was born at 25+4 weeks weighing just 600g. It was the scariest time of our whole lives. She fought harder than we knew was possible for such a dinky dot and the road was long and bumpy. But we stayed by her side as much as we could, she heard our voices, she heard our laughter and she heard me sing. And finally, after 125 days in NICU, she finally came. She is now a beautiful, full of life, very cheeky happy little girl. This start is never an easy one, and you certainly wouldnt choose it. But when they finally come home with you, you know you would do it all over again for them. We send all our love to all the premmie families out there. Your baby is strong, and so are you. Have faith and they will do the rest. We are forever grateful to Flinders NICU for getting our little miracle where she is today.

Walking for my boy Maverick James.

Your baby may be small now, but each day they’ll grow and gain the grams they need to get stronger.

I hope I can help at least one tiny little miracle survive.

There will be days when you think nothing will get better but I promise you as time goes on the days do get little better.

You and your little one are stronger than you know.

My son was born via emergency C-section after he stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated. He spent time in the special care unit, not crying or eating for the first 24 hours, and the team feared he might be brain dead. Thankfully, they saved his life, and today, he’s a happy, healthy 7-year-old boy.

For my biggest baby, my miracle. Born weighing less than a kilogram, and now thriving in Kindy, getting ready for full-time school next year!

As hard as those NICU days are, remember they are in the right place, and they will keep growing and growing until they’re ready to come home. Hang in there, it will be worth the wait!

The strongest people are often given the most challenging tasks in life, and you are incredible. Premmies may be tiny, but oh boy, are they mighty! There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.

You are stronger than you’ll ever know. Cherish every moment. x

Being a NICU parent is one of the hardest experiences you’ll ever face. The loneliness, uncertainty, and fear can feel overwhelming. But when you finally get to take your sweet baby home, the pride in both your strength and your baby’s will stay with you for a lifetime. It’s a love like no other.

Where there is great love, there are always miracles.

You are not alone. The NICU experience changes you, and your feelings are completely valid. Not everyone will understand what you’re going through, but trust yourself and do what feels right. Be your baby’s biggest supporter, they don’t have a voice, so you have to be theirs.

Some days are always harder then others but tomorrow is always a new day!

The technology and equipment available to help our tiny babies is truly incredible. Listen to your nurses, doctors, and all the staff, they know what they’re doing! Mater Mothers Brisbane is hands down the best, and we wouldn’t be here today without them!

The days in the NICU may feel long and hard, but in the end, it’s all worth it.

Harry was born at 30 weeks and 5 days, weighing just 1286g. The day he was born was overwhelming, knowing it was the beginning of a long hospital journey. In his first few weeks, Harry overcame breathing difficulties and a brain bleed, more than anyone should have to face in a lifetime, and he went through it all in just a few days. Now, he’s thriving and the happiest boy. Just know you will get through it, and there are so many other parents like you who have sat in the NICU/Special Care. It comforted me to know there were others like Harry, now living full lives. The days feel long, but when you look back, this time will seem short in comparison to all the time you’ll have with them.

Shout out to all the special care nurses, doctors, and families of these incredible little fighters.

I am so proud of you!

As first-time parents, our bundle of joy arrived at 31 weeks, and it was the scariest experience we’ve ever faced. We’re incredibly blessed that she was, and still, is thriving, but our hearts go out to those facing even tougher challenges. Remember, don’t compare yourself to others. Advocate for yourself, your baby, and your family. Trust your instincts, even when it feels hard and confusing. And don’t forget to celebrate every win, no matter how small.

Each day is a blessing. Never take for granted the miracle of conceiving and delivering a healthy baby.

Premmie babies are strong and determined to prove the world wrong. If they can fight with every ounce of their tiny bodies, the least I can do is walk and raise funds to make their journey a little easier.

"Parenting is tough but remember you are never alone and that we care about you and your journey."

"Our Mali and Joshua were born very small. Little Mali survived through the help of machine and the NICU nurses. We are so grateful."

"Remember you're not alone and tomorrow is a new day"

"Our little ones are fighters, whilst they may be small, they are courageous and strong. Sending love and postivity to all families currently in their NICU journeys x"

"One day at a time. Appreciate every single milestone no matter how small, our babies need us to stay positive and fight for them every step of the way. Ask questions you need answers to. Sending love and hugs to all who need it.”

"There is always light at the end of the tunnel."

“Genevieve was born at 28 weeks. It has been a rough road for us, but doing well. What they say is true, prem babies are thought and resilient, little steps forward and sometimes a step back. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.”

"Walking for my son who was born at 33 weeks and has defied the odds ever since, almost a year ago to the day that I was in hospital with my water ruptured, pooping my pants. If only I knew the resilient little boy who was to come."

Our lil miracle Ariella born at 32 weeks, weighing just 1.6 kg. She was small but was a fighter from day one. Now 8 yrs old & just the happiest soul. Am forever grateful to all the doctors, midwives & nurses who supported us during those 6 weeks in ICU. Am doing this for all the lil fighters.

My twin boys Lachlan - 680gram and Thomas -950grams. One at 27 weeks on 14.02.2012. Twin to twin transfusion syndrome. Sadly we lost Thomas to this horrible disease. Our Lachlan is now almost 13 and thriving. And taller than his mum.

The road is long and draining. The anxiety and fear and tears are real. Thankful for all the support of the awesome team in NICU KEMH who took such good care of our grandson! Born 27 weeks 820 grams. Also the support they give to the parents.
For my baby brother always Liam John Martin. ICU in John hunter hospital. Complications meant he didn't make it. I'm raising funds and tracking kilometres for him especially and other children/families gone or going through the struggles/challenges that come with premature births.

My two beautiful children born both before 32 weeks are doing great thanks to the help of TUH NICU/SCN nurses. It's been a long year but we are starting to see the light at the end of this scary journey.

Alana, born at 31 weeks, 6 weeks in NICU. She's nearly 9 years old now and almost as tall as me! Special, special kids. I'll be walking, running and riding for them all. X

My little man was born at 31+3. What a mighty warrior he is. Home on his due date and have shown strength after strength. The doctors and nurses were and are beyond amazing. He wouldn't be here without the medical support we received. Walking the Miles for Myles.

Sending love and hope to all those on the NICU journey xx

God knew my heart needed you.

We were so lucky to have the life saving tech and nurses/doctors that saved our boy 30+3 weeks. But it was hard. Ask for help. Hang in there. You aren't alone.

My boy came into this world at 36 weeks via emergency C-Section. He spent 17 days in NICU as he was born at 1.88kgs (4.14pounds).
He was in the incubator until he could regulate his own body temperature, he had light therapy for jaundice, nasal tube for feedings, and a day of extra oxygen through nasal prongs.
My boy is 2 weeks shy of 6 months now and absolutely thriving!

Elliott Reef was born at 27 weeks at 820 grams. He was so tiny. We stayed in the NICU at King Edward Memorial (Perth) for 11 weeks. He clung so heavily to his breathing support we thought we’d never leave. We had multiple issues and things pop up. All dealt with so amazingly by the consultants. He will be 9 months in a couple days and 6 months corrected. He still is very small but we’re so thankful to have him here.

There is love and life beyond those NICU doors.

Thank you to the NICU ward for taking such great care of our premmie, Rory, during his first week of life and providing the best facilities and care we could have asked for. We feel fortunate, knowing some families have to spend much longer in NICU.

Thankyou for raising money for this amazing cause! Your fundraiser is truly saving lives!

Stay strong, baby mummas! Your babies will thrive because they have such brave parents. My mother-in-law from the Philippines courageously raised a premature baby 33 years ago, now that boy is my amazing husband! Keep fighting!

To the expecting mums of premature babies and all the babies and families in neonatal care, hang in there. It’s a tough journey, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel. I remind myself of that every day.

Love and light to all

The nurses caring for the babies in all hospitals are truly amazing. They not only look after the little ones but also provide incredible support to the parents.

Let’s make the neonatal world a better place! Small steps from many people can create a big impact!

Don’t underestimate the warriors within these tiny souls.

Let’s smash these goals for our girl Laila! It’s time to give back for NICU saving my baby’s life!

There is light at the end of the tunnel!

Please remember, it will end. Stay strong and you will make it.

You are stronger than you know! Remember to keep holding onto that hope!

Premature babies are true superheroes. The strength they carry in such tiny bodies is nothing short of a miracle. Keep the faith, stay strong, and soak up those precious kangaroo cuddles!

For my little boy Roman, born at 30+6 weeks, the strongest little boy I know.

You are not alone! Someone else is struggling alongside you, just reach out and say hello. There’s always a light at the end of every dark tunnel

My little miracle was born at 31+4 via c-section. He was taken straight to NICU and put on CPAP, but thankfully, he was off it within just 12 hours. As a c-section mum to a premmie, the hardest part was not being able to be there for every moment in those first few hours. I’m doing this marathon to help another mum know her baby will have the same fighting chance and support that my little man had.

When I was deep in my NICU journey, feeling helpless, someone told me, ‘NICU parents are chosen,’ and that has stayed with me ever since. You were chosen for a reason.

To my beautiful daughter. Once so tiny and fragile, now an incredibly strong little tornado! Love you.

Mum of an ex-24 weeker here. Colson was born weighing just 576 grams, spent 198 days in the hospital, and came home on oxygen and a feeding tube. He also lost his eyesight due to stage 5 ROP (retinopathy of prematurity). Today, he’s a cheeky, loving, beautiful 4-year-old! Some days in the NICU feel impossible, but it does get better.

It will get easier, day by day. Keep staying strong for that little bundle who is counting on YOU! Soon, you’ll be home.

For Frankie and Daphne, born at 24 weeks in December 2018.

You are strong. You are brave. You can do this.

From a first-time mum of a 33-weeker, it’s scary, it’s overwhelming, and it can feel like your newborn experience has been taken away. But in the end, it’s all worth it. No matter how many days, weeks, or months your baby spends in the hospital, the moment you finally get to take your healthy, strong baby home is the most rewarding experience of your life. My son, Jack, is now a happy, healthy 12-month-old!

I see you, I feel you, and you’re going to be okay. x

Always believe. Our babies are built tough, and they will show you just how strong they are.

This part of your life is just a season, and when it passes, you’ll look back with so many memories of the journey. Along the way, you’ll make friends, whether they’re midwives, nurses, cleaners, or other parents.

It’s hard right now, but it will get easier. Celebrate every milestone—no longer on CPAP, first cuddles, first baths, hitting 3kg—and take all the photos. One day you’ll look back and won’t believe they were ever that small.

When you’re in the middle of your NICU or SCN stay, it feels like it will last forever. But there’s a light at the end of that long tunnel, and it comes with a beautiful, cheeky smile.

"Strong mothers bring fourth miracles, even in the tinest of packages. Your love and strength shine brighter than any challenge."

"Every small step is one step closer to your babies coming home. It's a long journey but with great support, you feel that you can get through it."

"One hour at a time. Xx"

"What if I fall?
Oh but my darling,
What if you fly?
Keep fighting. xx"

"Love is the best medicine a baby can get"

"You are stronger and braver than you think."

"This is a season of growth. Life is growing. Hope is growing. Strength is growing. For all of your days, keep growing."

"The hardest days of your lives can be spent with the walls of the hospital with your little one. With all the love, support and care provided by the staff and volunteers at the hospital you can get through this!"

11 years difference of our little fighter! She started out her journey with many unknowns but smashed every goal set her way and has grown into the most beautiful young lady.

Completing the Premmie Marathon Challenge to celebrate my son (born at 30+5 and now thriving) and support all of the tiny humans and their families that come after us.

Having NICU babies is the small part of a wonderful journey of strong little humans! They will continue to amaze you everyday!

I am doing this challenge for my son Cruz who was born 6 weeks early & is currently in the special care baby unit in Cairns Hospital so I know how important this fundraiser is to help bring these babies home to their family :)

Our boy was born at 33 weeks after several complications in utero.
His time in the SCU showed me just how strong these tiny hearts are, and how important and miraculous the work of the nurses and midwives.

Our three miracles were born at 36, 32, and 27 weeks. Today, they are healthy, strong, and thriving. Though Samuel lives with chronic lung disease, he’s doing well. Stay hopeful, your little fighters are stronger than you know. This journey may be tough, but brighter days are ahead!

Sleepless nights and many tears‚ not the beginning of parenthood we were expecting but would never change it!
Ophelia born 26+2 weeks 730g now healthy and happy 6months girl.

Never underestimate the strength, fight and resilience of a preemie baby! They are some of the strongest babies / humans alive!

The road is long, and the journey is scary, but one day, they’ll turn that corner. One day, you will have made it through. Lean on the nurses and other families in the NICU for support.

No matter how big or small your baby is they ALL matter! Your baby deserves to be here and loved no matter what happens xx

The sun always comes up. Spring always comes after winter. The river always reaches the ocean and day always come after night. So just like those your life will also soon find light after the darkness

On their darkest days, be their brightest light. The journey is incredibly hard, but your love will help get them through.

Always remember no matter how small or big you are you will always be loved.

Stay strong, you can get through this. Keep showering your NICU baby with love however you can. Sing to them, hold their hands, read to them. It all matters and helps you bond.

Our girls, Lena (born at 25 weeks) and Tiana (born at 29 weeks), are both thriving thanks to the incredible technology in the NICU. Without it, their lives could have been very different. Please consider donating what you can to help save other babies born too soon.

It's not easy having a premmie in the NICU. Stay strong.

There is hope throughout this journey and it does get better. Stay strong x

To all the parents out there facing the unknown with their little ones, know that we feel your pain. Stay positive and keep hope, these little premature babies are fighters and stronger than you think!

Our baby girl was born at 34 weeks and needed resuscitation and ventilation. She was transferred to the NICU at Gold Coast University Hospital and was off the ventilator in just 16 hours. After 15 days, we brought her home. We are forever grateful for the amazing care she received. Hope shines bright!

Sending all my love and hugs to the families and babies. Praying for those struggling with loss and those who are holding onto hope and fighting for their babies, you are not alone.

Thankyou for the miracle of life you continuously give.

We are walking for our son, our daughter, and the incredible friends we met through the NICU, bound by shared trauma and shared resilience.

Stay strong for your babies, take it an hour at a time or whatever you need to get through this tough time. Sending love prayers and hugs to whoever needs it right now.

Zaidee was born at 24+6. The NICU journey is something you can’t truly understand until you’re living it. It’s often one step forward and three steps back. It can feel lonely, but you’re not alone—you’re now part of a supportive and caring community.

Families of the NICU, you are strong, and your premmies are little soldiers.

Henry was born at 32 weeks after my waters broke a week earlier. He was small but mighty. Each of the 25 days in the NICU felt long and tiring, but the support Henry and I received from the incredible team at the RWH was unmatched, and I’ll be forever grateful.

To anyone going through a NICU journey right now, feeling lost with each setback—hold on to hope. One day, you’ll look back and smile at the strength you found during those hospital days with your little one. It may feel endless in the moment, but before you know it, it will be just a memory in the blink of an eye. Much love, The Tonkins

For those still on their NICU journey: In the darkest moments, when you feel alone, helpless, and like this nightmare will never end, please know you are not alone. Every parent and family who has ever stepped foot into a neonatal intensive care unit is with you, in spirit, in prayer, and in solidarity. You are never alone.

Remember, you are never alone. We all have a story to share.

If you ever feel like quitting or giving up, remember there are parents sitting next to their babies who are fighting for their lives, praying that their little ones don’t quit or give up. Fight for them!

What a wonderful cause! Bringing not just hope, but real, tangible improvements to this crucial area of health.

My beautiful boy, Ragnar, was born 7 weeks premature with life-threatening complications, and today he’s a thriving, smiley toddler. I’m so thankful for the technology and the medical team that continue to support him every day.

It gets easier. Reach out if you need help. One day, this will be behind you, and you’ll hold your baby without any cords.

Sending love and strength to all the families who have been, or are currently, on this journey.

“Be strong now, because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can’t rain forever.” - Unknown

I’m walking for my precious little Zane, who was born at just 22+5 weeks—the tiniest baby I’ve ever held, yet his strength was enough to move mountains. Remember, hope is a discipline.

My daughter was born via emergency c-section at 32 weeks, weighing just 1.2 kg. Now, she’s home and a healthy 7-week-old, weighing 2.3 kg.

Premmies are the strongest little souls and they are beyond strong and resilient. Utilise your support system and don't be afraid to ask for help. |

"Hope is never lost. Miracles are possible when people who care are involved."

"Talisha came into this world fighting, born at 1215 grams and very unwell. She was transferred immediately after birth for on going support and spent 2 months in hospital. Talisha has fought and won everyday. She is happy, friendly, clever and has a wicked sense of humour. One of the strongest people l know...my daughter. I walk for Talisha and also my twins."

"Just know when there is a bump in the road to home that there is always a postive outcome by the end of the day. And even if it's just a little bit of weigh gain, it's a postive outcome."

"To Other Families.
They may be small now, but they will grow. What once is a tough time WILL be just a memory of their first start to the world. No matter the difference.
"For my girls, Charlotte and Willow, who were born at 31wks this year and have been kicking goals since."

“"Though she is tiny, she is mighty". Know that you are not alone in this journey. May NICU be just a small part of your journey to a long, happy, and fulfilling life of parenthood.”