Cat Bell

Premmie Marathon Challenge 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms

Nearly there!

Despite not being able to run, I've been chipping away at my kms by walking, and yesterday did the longest walk I've done in a few weeks. I had only been able to do 1-2km without my ankle hurting, but yesterday managed to walk to work (5.5km), so I'm stoked I'll be able to finish the 100 before the month is out, albeit not running the whole distance as I had hoped to. 

I do plan to finish *running* the 100km (over December), when I'm given the green light to run again. Thanks to everyone who has donated so far (still 3 days to go!). 

Injury >.<

A bit of a spanner in my progress this week, as I have damaged my Achilles (probably by running funny due to my hip flexor hurting >.<). My physio has said I can't run for at least 3 weeks, and need to keep walking to a minimum, HOWEVER, I can use a stationary bike, so I shall be completing my kms by pedal power! Got to rest for a few days but then I shall be back in the game! <3. 

Week 1 complete

I've met and exceeded my target kms. I've run 30km in the last 6 days and walked another 24km. I'm planning to run the full 100km and only count my walking kms if I don't quite make 100 just with running.

The donations you've all given have really kept me motivated, and now I have my RFPB shirt to run in, I'll have Henry, Jasper, and Evan to help keep me motivated, too. 

26000 premmies are born every year. Not all of them make it. RFPB is working to tip the scales in favour of fortunate parents like me, who get to take our babies home.

While I've been running I've been seeing a lot of white butterflies. I can't help but wonder if they're all the little people no longer with us, encouraging us along the way.

Thank you all so much for your support. Much love xx

Target update!

I am blown away by everyone's generosity and so grateful to everyone who has donated. 

Given as I've already broken target 1 and 2, I've set a new target - on brand for the 'Art-related' numbers: $4872. This is the number of hours in 29 weeks, which is how 'baked' Art was when he was born. Let's see if I can do it! 

You're all amazing xx

Day 2 - 10km done

Despite the heat today, I stuck to my plan to run 10km a weekend. Ideally I'll average 3km a day during the week, although that's likely to be a mix of walking and running (partly because I'm currently injured!). So far, though, I'm on track!

This November I’m taking on the Premmie Marathon Challenge

This photo is a photo from the day Art *finally* came home - the best day ever. I'm doing the 100km premmie challenge to help other Mums have the opportunity to bring their babies home safe and healthy too.

I'll be clocking up my 100km by walking and running throughout November. 

My original target ($525) was the amount needed to pay for respiratory support equipment, which is what Art needed for most of his time in the hospital (he was on respiratory support for ~2 months). Thanks to all of my wonderful friends, I broke this target in 2 days, so I've now increased my target to $1651, which is how many hours Art was in the NICU at RPA. I would love to break this target, too, so your donation, be it $5 or $50, will help. 

Some more info about the challenge:

The Premmie Marathon Challenge is to raise funds for life-saving neonatal equipment that will give critically ill and premature babies a better chance of survival.

You can help either by joining the Premmie Marathon Challenge too (, or making a tax-deductible donation here.

Your donation will help keep me motivated as I complete my ‘marathon’ through November, knowing that each km I complete is helping save the lives of sick and premature babies.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Matt Mckoy


Alex Lefebvre

Good luck Cat!



Hope this allows for more kids like Arty to brighten up this world.


Fiona And Chris

Cat, what a wonderful challenge to be involved in! We are behind you every step. Fiona and Chris xx


Maya (and Pawrents)

From dat daye on, she wasa runningggg


Pat Bell



Yay ! Good in you, Catherine ! X


Lyn Bell



Cat, this is special in more ways than one. Wishing you the best.


Lex Keilar

Beau, Lach, Dot and I are so proud of you! We hope this gets you just that little bit closer to the finish line.


Linda Webb

Nearly there! Great effort for the month dispite setbacks, and smashed so many fundraising targets! Amazing! x





Good on ya Cat.





Go, Cat! Go!


Rebecca Pinkus

Way to go, Cat!




Catherine Gilbert


Robyn Halliday


Lee Stickells

Go Cat!



Well done cat x


Lex Keilar

It really was the best day. Your strength and resilience during that time was superhuman, and still is. I’m so proud of you and the effort you put in everyday to ensure Art fought equally as hard. Forever proud of you! Xx


Ben Croft

Awesome Work Cat!!


Yolly And Ben

Go you good thang!


Adrian Thai

Good luck Cat!


Beth Wilson


Cat Bell


Phil Gale


Optiver Pty Ltd

You rock at this, for receiving a donation within 24 hours of registering :)


Mrs Victoria Love


A. Lewis


Linda Webb

My UK bank account can donate too ;) Well done, you've made an incredible impact! Love you x





Good Luck!


Roslyn Johnson


Rachael Haynes

Well done Cat, running for such a great cause. Best of luck! Love Rachael & Yasmin


Jonathan Christie


Hayley Simes


Jenny Allen

Hope you can smash your new goal, too!


Nelson Lage


David Bell

You did well x



Go Cat!!!



YAAY!! You're amAzing!!!


Jennifer Dowling


David Stokes

"You go Glen Coco!!!"


Mike Foyle


Karen Wesson

Good Luck Cat !


Olivia Urbaniak

Amazing, Cat! :)


Generous Supporters

Your donation has been matched by our Generous Supporters DOUBLING the positive IMPACT on the lives of premature babies


Laura Jones

A very special cause. Well done for how much you’ve raised!


Alex Lefebvre

Great cause and good luck!




Matt Devine


Emma Gilchrist


Ash & Dagny


Adam The Doodler

You've got this, love! 💪💙