Col Tew

Premmie Marathon Challenge 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 42 kms

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who donated to my Premmie Marathon Challenge.

I've only just recovered from the mental and physical trauma that came with my first marathon.

The last 8kms was a deep, dark place for me. At the 30km mark, my legs started feeling heavy and my pace slowed.

With 8kms to go, l'd past the finish line and saw the family and support crew one last time before I headed out for the final loop. The energy they gave me was very short lived as the legs were starting to cramp badly. The last 4kms were torture! All muscles in both legs seemed to be on the verge of full on cramp. At one I point I stopped to stretch my quad but as I did, my hamstring started cramping badly. At that point I knew I couldn't stop anymore and I had to just keep moving. I ended up getting in just under 4 hours. During the back end of the run, when I started cramping in both quad and hamstring, it did cross my mind that I might not may it but it was the thought of the support l'd received during my fund raising and monies donated that spurred me over the line.

Thank you again to everyone who donated and offered words of support. Firstly, the money will be going to such a terrific cause and secondly, I wouldn't have been able to get across the finish line with the support from so many. Thank you.

The countdown is on.

I’m counting down the days until I take on my first marathon this Saturday at the Huskisson Running Festival.

Training has been tough and I’ve asked myself “why am I doing this?” numerous times over the last few weeks however the work is done and I’ll be doing my best to guts out the 42.2kms this Saturday.

I started with a goal to raise $2,000 and have had great support so far which I really appreciate. Fund raising is sitting just shy of $6,000 but I will be milking the run to raise money as much as I can for this important cause.

Thanks to friends, family and colleagues who have donated so generously already. I’m really grateful for it; and the premmie babies really need it

Thank you

Training Gods have been against me..

So training for my first marathon has not gone according to plan.

I only started my running journey at the start of the year and I've come to really enjoy the stress release as well as the positive impact it has on my mental health.

Running a marathon has never been a goal however when the opportunity came to raise fund with Running for Prems, I jumped at the opportunity. 

Unfortunately, the week after I signed up for the marathon and kicked of this fundraising page, I naturally injured myself which stopped me in my tracks.. literally!!

I'm back in training now but I've certainly had to go back to go forwards. Not too dissimilar to when we spent 4 weeks in the NICU with Mae. It was forwards, then backwards, the battle to feed her and grow her, get her big and strong enough to move to Special Care Unit closer to home. That period was easily the toughest period of our lives but we got through. A minor set back, while not ideal, won't hold me back in finishing this marathon. I'll certainly be drawing on that experience and also with the knowledge that funds raised from the run is going to enable and assist others who find themselves in the same position.

Mae is 6 now and despite being a fiery little customer; she is fighting fit and just the best thing ever. 

Any donation is greatly appreciated.

It could be you..

1 in 10 babies are born premature which means chances are, you’ll know some who has had a baby who was born prematurely or know someone is was. 

The truth is, before having Mae, I had never considered the plight of those who faced the challenges of having a baby born prematurely.

The truth is, we just expected to have a perfectly healthy full term baby like our first-born. In the days after Mae was born, I remember vividly thinking how arrogant I was to just expect that that would happen. For us, there were no signs. It just happened. When it did, we were so fortunate to have the life-saving equipment available to us. That’s why I am so passionate about raising funds for this great cause, so that if you or someone you love were to go through the same journey we did, that they will also be able to access the life-saving equipment and care that was available to us.

If you’re in position to, please donate.

This November, I’m taking on the Premmie Marathon Challenge

I will be taking on my first-ever marathon at the Huskisson Marathon on Saturday 2 November.

As a father of Mae, a now six-year-old who was born at 28 weeks, this cause is one that is very close to my heart. 

Our family was very fortunate to have access to life-saving neonatal equipment and staff that helped us through the difficult beginnings and we will be forever grateful.

During that time, I'd always vowed to one day complete an event to raise funds to continue the great work of NICUs that will give critically ill and premature babies a better chance of survival.

You can help either by joining the Premmie Marathon Challenge too (, or making a tax-deductible donation here.

Your donation will help keep me motivated as I complete my first marathon on 2 November.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


G Koletti

Good luck bruh!!



Well done Berozalegend


Chris & Lara


Zac Reynolds

Good luck bruz


Nick Twomey

Just don’t over race early Col! Congrats mate on having a crack at it and a great cause to boot.


Jack Mac


Sonia And Michael


Cormac Sullivan




Jenny Tew

Good luck with the fundraising son



Great effort mate!


Elite Landscaping

Nice work mate, you're a machine. Good luck with it all


Mylec Electrical Solutions

Crush it mate. Big love the Mylec Boys.


Nikki Longhurst

Nice work and a great cause!


Kate Garratt


Nick Dawkins


Carlo And Lisa

Proud of you mate.


Darren Holley


Nathan Scotton

Good luck mate


Bill R


The Cocko’s

Great work coach from Tallow and Bede ✌🏼


Ryan Ahchee


Xan Richmond

Great cause. Go well mate - better you than me!


Stuart Dibb

Good luck great man. Have a good weekend


The Whites

Go Chewy! You got this 💪🏽


Blake And Natalie O’connell


Andy O O


Elizabeth, Catherine And Charlotte Tew

Go Zi Jek!!!!


Col Tew


Martina And Nathaniel Gomes

Right there with you guys! 💪🏽


Eva St Clair


Jasmin Keick

Go Col! So impressed!


Mark Dixon

Get em brah!!


Andy And Kazza

Good luck bro! Great cause


Rosie’s Coledale

Nice work Chewy!


Ivan Finnegan

Go you good thing!


Darren Mcnamara

Best of luck great man.


David Crawford



Well done col!!! Love you lots


Matt Ggrant

Great work Tewy 💪🏼


Mark Cruickshank

Good luck mate, great cause that’s close to you 👍💪


Tony Thomas

Smash it


Soph Sullivan

Go Col!


Daniel Banfield


Joseph Killeen


Gail Mills

Well done Colin


Ryan Cogdale

Go well mate!


Vicky Anderson

Well done & Goodluck


Aaron And Jen Mills

On ya Tewy!! All the best! You'll smash it! All our love, the Millses xxx


Thomas, Hamish & Reuben

Good on you Col, we know you'll smash it this weekend!!


Kyle Gilmour


Keith Rebello

Good stuff mate! Great cause and all the best with the marathon!


Adam North


Tienelle Anderson-ireland

So proud xo


Sar Amadio

Go Chewy!!


Brad Mccarthy

Go Col, great cause!


Ravi Thangarajah

Wish you all the best Col !


The Placeks

Yes Chewy!! So excited to see you building your kms and running a marathon!!!


Ash North

Best of luck with the training!! Cheering you on from the GC!


Michael Mclucas

In to ‘em mate!! Well done!


Ashlee Kelly


Kristy Weerden

Good luck Col! Such a great cause 💕



Good on you Collin.


Matt Foreman

Inspirational mate - well done


Brandon Field


The Crossingham Family

Good luck Col! You will smash it 👊




Simon Frazer

Run, Colslaw, run.


Amy & Joel Keats

Awesome work cuzzy! Good luck with the marathon x


Daniel Nicotra

Can’t wait to see the data mate. Go well!


Blake Matthews

Great cause mate. 42km's of Zone 5 incoming.


Little Rix :)

Great effort!


Nat & James

Go Col! Sending so much love to all the fam ❤️


Bec Wall

Tewy you legend! Proud of you.


Hannah And Zane Lamacchia

All the best with it coach Colin 🏃‍♂️‍➡️🏃‍♂️‍➡️


Grant Hughes

Go get ‘em mate!


Emma Vangelovich

Yew. You got this sparrow 💪🏻


Justin Suwart


Amy Brinckley

👏🏼 👏🏼


Lyndal Cook


Conor Mcgahon

Sub 3.5hrs incoming - give it your all


Alicia Bleakley

All the best Col!




Russell Hill


Steven Koutsoukos

Great cause mate. Well done.




Kara Binstadt


Brad Druitt

Great cause, my first born is a premier so close to the heart as well.


Georgie Claxton

Can’t wait to give you some more Strava kudos! Great effort mate


Sidney Burrell

GO COL!! What a great cause




Alara Costello

What an amazing cause! Good luck!


Alyce K

Bloody legend col! Here’s to our beautiful, thriving prem babies 💪🏻


Michael Karkkainen

Good luck mate! I’m sure you will smash it!



Happy to donate to a great cause !