Regular Giving


Regular donors are our heroes. You help us to plan ahead, safe in the knowledge that your support is ongoing. You also reduce our administration costs compared to one-off donors. By becoming a regular giver, you can help us create a country where every single premature baby, wherever they are born, has the best chance of survival.  

Why regular giving is better for you?

Rather than donating reactively, you can be proud that your gift is considered, planned and intentional. You're always in control of your donation and, as you are acting mindfully and strategically, you'll be providing the greatest impact to the causes that you care about the most.

Why regular giving is better for us?

Your regular donation will provide us with certainty. Having this certainty permits us to forward plan our activities and hospital support with confidence, taking on more significant projects and achieving better outcomes for premature babies. Additionally, regular donations reduce our administration costs compared to one-off donations, leading to more funding for neonatal hospital equipment and research. 

Can I change my regular donation after I start regular giving?

Yes. We understand that your circumstances may change. To amend your regular gift simply, contact us

Are regular donations tax deductible?

Yes. All donations, including recurring donations, of $2 or more are tax deductible. 

Please start your recurring monthly donation today

Thank you for considering this act of kindness. You'll be helping us to provide lifesaving equipment and give sick and premature babies a better chance of survival.

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Could provide a jaundiced baby with access to a phototherapy light for 3 weeks. Jaundice is very common in premature babies and if left untreated can cause brain damage
Could provide a technologically advanced humidicrib for a sick or premature baby for 5 days. These humidicribs have been described as ‘the next best thing to the womb’
Could provide a life-saving resuscitation cot for 20 babies born in distress and needing assistance to breathe
Could provide a state-of-the-art neonatal ventilator for 7 weeks for a baby with underdeveloped lungs, weighing as little as 500g

I'd like to make this donation

If your donation is in memory of a baby who has died or in celebration of a baby who has survived, we'd love you to share their details.

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