doing it for the twins

Premmie Marathon Challenge 2024

Help us give premature babies a better chance of survival

Thank you to our Sponsors


Tony De Leede

Good luck with running 200km in November Vee. Tony and Sue x


Margaret Wallington





Gail Deleede

Couldn't have picked a better cause. Run Vee Run ! ! ! hugs and kisses . . . . . Gail


Tidypipes Plumbing

Go Vee!


Ingrid De Leede


Veronica De Leede


Nicole, Jacob And Lexi

Proud of you Vee! We love you! ❤️



So proud of you!!!!


Vicki And Evan Zupancic

Gooo Veeee!! We miss the DeLeedes. Sending lots of love to the fam!! Xoxo


Oliver Herbst

Go Vee !!! Go Hard !!!


Rochelle & Will J

Great cause. Well done xx


Josh & Che Walker

You got this Vee, a great reason to run so far....



Nice work Vee xx


Sarah And Ryan

Well done Vee! So proud of you and your gorgeous babies!


Helen Nides

God bless you all!


Molly & Loch


Isabella Wallington

Go Vee!



Well done Vee xx


Damian Huntingdon


Optiver Pty Ltd

You rock at this, for receiving a donation within 24 hours of registering :)


Jen Woerner

Proud of you!


Mel Athaide

Great cause Vee xx


Lee Stram

Good Work Vee xx


Isabella Wallington

Another little bump to help you get over the last hump!


Caley Lawrence