Thank you to our Sponsors


Michael Lum

Rodney Haywood

Kim Kwan

Josh Haywood

Amanda Haywood

Tomas Mckeever Ford

Caroline Kwan

Locklen Kwan

Port Macquarie Haywood’s
Our absolute pleasure to assist

Stuart Boyle

Great effort, Rod. Remembering Jamie in a practical way. Lee Xx

Phoebe Kwan

Guy & Sue
Goodonya Rod, hope this helps you reach your goal and beyond. It’s a great cause and a great effort.

Wikus Grobler

John & Jenny Haywood
Well done Rod :) We’re happy to support NICU at RNSH Remembering baby Jamie & sending our love xx

Kerri Genovese

Kathy Lee
My prayers for you and your family Amanda xx

Wikus Grobler


Trevor Kwan

Tamara Barwise

Stefanie Mckeever
For Jamie

Naomi Reichardt
You go mumma!!!! ❤️❤️

Generous Supporters
Your donation has been matched by our Generous Supporters DOUBLING the positive IMPACT on the lives of premature babies

Naomi Reichardt
Go go papa Tim! ❤️

Generous Supporters
Your donation has been matched by our Generous Supporters DOUBLING the positive IMPACT on the lives of premature babies

What a wonderful opportunity to give back. I’m so sorry to learn about your grandson x

B And H Stanley

Ben Ford

Leonie Nadarajah

Danga Daniels
Hey Amanda, good on you! I'm a bit late, missed the start & the finish - not a fb regular :)

I can’t wait to hear you track your kms for this amazing cause xxx lots of love xx


Zach Karpinellison

Christina K

Anna And Josh Hoole
Thinking of you little Jamie ❤️❤️ Go team!!!


Lillian Krieger
Thank you for sharing on Strava!

Michelle Haywood

Julie Hofer
Good Luck Amanda❤️

Geoff Williams

Tim Haywood

Grace Dearden

Optiver Pty Ltd
You rock at this, for receiving a donation within 24 hours of registering :)

Optiver Pty Ltd
You rock at this, for receiving a donation within 24 hours of registering :)

Tom Dearden

Sue And Alan
Great outcome Rod

Janine Joannou

Good one Rod ❤️


Greg & Jocelyn Lay
Go Rod, we love your determination

Noriko Burrows

C Knight




Marika Fidelus

Evelyn Heape
Good one!!! ❤️


Sharen Souter
Go Tiff !!! ❤️❤️

Carol Dezius

Ariel Cinco

K Zhigunov

With love, Lee xx