Hengameh Nabavi

Donate in Memory

Kasra turning 1

Kasra is turning one!
And to think a year ago this time we had no idea he was going to join us so early. As some of you may know Kasra was born prematurely with complications that could have gone very different. But he wen't against all odds and proved to us just how strong he is.  At the hospital we met many families who were like us waiting patiently for their little ones to grow, get strong so they could come home with them. I know its not always the case unfortunatly.  But we feel so blessed and we feel so lucky to be able to see this little guy grow so beautifully . So for his first birthday we would like to give back and raise money for all the little guys who are fighting for their lives and their families who are broken, hurt, sad and worried sick for their little ones.
I would like to ask for your kind support. Instead of a gift to Kasra who has more than enough, and to all our friends who would like to help and donate whatever you can. A little goes a long way.

Thank you

Thank you to my Sponsors


Soheil Mehrkhavary

Well done my boy


Dilara Uner


Devyani And Sahil

Lots of love to little Kasra on his special day. And such a beautiful thing to do for a bday!


Soha Mehrkhavari

Love you baby boy

