Help me give premature babies a better chance of survival
By supporting me as I run the Ultra Trail 22km on 18 May, you'll be raising funds to buy life-saving equipment to give critically ill and premature babies a better chance of survival. No amount is too little, so thank you in advance:-)
Thank you to my Sponsors


David Jones
Amazing cause - great effort

Rob De Kock
Go Kimmie. Am proud of you.

Alex Coyne
Good luck KdK!

Catherine Roberts
Go Kim!

Katriona Lee
This is huge Kimmy D - all the very best with prep and I'm sure you're going to smash this race.


Brenda Crabtree
Good luck Kim. I hope it isn't too painful.

Phil Winterton
Good luck tomorrow! I know the hip will hold out! Go strong and enjoy the well-earned post run vinos!


Kim De Kock

Robert Gitell
Good luck Kim !!

Daniel Stirling
Good luck Kim!


Kate Merrifield
Good luck, Kim - will send positive vibes on Friday!

Alison M
Go for it Kim, you are amazing!!

Lynette Brigden
Go Kim. Well done. It's hard work training for something like this so go out and enjoy. Well done. The sun will be shinning on you xxxxxxx

Tim Perry
Good luck Kim!
Great to support such a worthy cause and support such a worthy person ...