Premmie Marathon Challenge 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 kms


Being born at 27 weeks, weighing less than a kilo and being 33cm our boy is fighting yet still striving and ticking goals every day. 

Pena spent 111 days in NICU from birth and needed respiratory and feeding support. Pena was born with chronic lung disease and with his extremely immature lungs and poor development we face feeding issues til today. 

Pena sees a dietician, speech pathologist regularly to tackle these issues and also a physio therapist to assist with his motor skills. Slowly but surely! Help us raise money to help more babies like Pena. 

This November I’m taking on the Premmie Marathon Challenge

I’ll be clocking up my kms in the Premmie Marathon Challenge to raise funds for life-saving neonatal equipment that will give critically ill and premature babies a better chance of survival.

You can help either by joining the Premmie Marathon Challenge too (, or making a tax-deductible donation here.

Your donation will help keep me motivated as I complete my ‘marathon’ through November, knowing that each km I complete is helping save the lives of sick and premature babies.

Baby Pena was born at 27 weeks premature. He required respiratory support, feeding support and suffered with seizures, sleeping apnea, swallowing and breathing independently. He was in the NICU from birth for 111 days. He fought and he came home but he is still fighting every day facing many obstacles many other premature babies face. 

Without the life saving staff at Westmead Children’s Hospital and their dedicated time, the facilities and equipment our little peanut would not be here with us today. 

So help me raise the funds to provide technology advanced humidicrib for 6 sick or premature babies a month! 

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors




Reupena’s Marathon

Funds raised from the raffle and cash donation from Reupena’s Marathon Day


Big Tane

Keep pushing pena my boy!


Nat Sinnett



Lavinia Kavapalu

Keep Striving Pena !! Your not alone !!. Love you lots




Tai Taefu


Victoria Maria Masima

I love you guys ❤️


Sina Fritz

Life is precious & it’s a blessing to see your life grow. Hats off to your amazing support system who have carried you and helped you through the start of your little life. May you continue to grow strong & healthy with God’s covering over you.


Shaylee Bent




Rose Walters


Keilee Joseph


Ebony Halpin


