Austin's Story

Austin, was born weighing 635g at only 24 weeks at the Royal Hospital for Women and spent his first 113 days using life-saving neonatal equipment donated by Running for Premature Babies.
Austin’s mum Lauren says, “Without the specialised equipment provided by Running for Premature Babies we wouldn’t have our courageous little man with us today. Forever grateful.”
Austin’s Aunty Dee says “Seeing my new nephew all hooked up to machines and so tiny, was one of the most confronting things I have ever seen. It’s so amazing that these machines were donated by Running for Premature Babies. They saved his life.”
Austin is now 6 years old and thriving.
Austin and his family take on our Premmie Marathon Challenge each year, in a team called ‘Chasing Austin’, running to ensure other families can be as lucky as theirs has been.
So far they’ve raised over $16,000 for Running for Premature Babies.
In 2024 Austin is helping inspire 5000 people to take on the Premmie Marathon Challenge too, to together raise $1 million for life-saving neonatal equipment that will save the lives of more babies like Austin