Phoebe first heard about RFPB when her own triplets were in the NICU at the Royal Hospital for Women, and Phoebe read the plaques on the equipment keeping her trio alive. Phoebe says, “reading about your journey was both devastating and a huge support for me at that time - knowing other families had endured prematurity, the uncertainty of not knowing if their children would survive their early start to life, and if they did, what complications they would be left with.
I found a lot of comfort running with others in your team who had shared the journey of NICU and completed my first half marathon with you when the babies were 13 months old. I've since run with RFPB 6 times in the past 9 years. It’s such an honour to be able to join the incredible community that you have fostered and be one in the sea of purple running the streets of Sydney every Autumn. Even when we were overseas we still proudly wore the purple shirts when entering a local fun run for the Rotary club in Kilifi, Kenya, and my youngest, our surprise 4th 'baby' (Felix) continues to wear a purple shirt absolutely every day to preschool - its his favourite! The triplets are now thriving almost-10-year-olds who are acutely aware of how lucky they are and they are very keen to join the RFPB team themselves in the coming years. They've run the RFPB Kids fun run every year (aside from the year we were in Kenya) and have proudly held a few fundraising stalls in our little community in Clovelly.”